Monday, February 17, 2014

Satay Padang "Ampera" - Medan

Everybody esp Medan people loved to craved food for Supper. That's why I gained weight for this full weeks even I was very busy but it can't burn my fat. *sobs :(

Ahh.. forget it, eating was the most greatest one for me. I can't stand up for diet because of many delicious and tempting food around me. #drool

Let say for street food, as I like to say "sidewalk culinary". Satay Padang was the most favorite at all. People usually loved to craved satay padang because of the savor taste, the spicy taste and of course the meats.
we can choose chicken meat, beef, mutton or even the offal that already marinated and had been arrange one by one to put in it sticks.

I went to Sate Padang Ampera, located at Krakatau St, near Jemadi St. The Ampera food house not only served the Satay but also some foods like "cha-cha" , for example fried noodle, fried rice, etc.
Looks like Sate Ampera was famous enough at Medan, or it was well-known already?

The place was quiet clean and neat. First time I stepped here, it was only small place, but now they develop more wider space for more customers to come.
See.., it means that this Sate Ampera owner successfully achieve more better score for the name of "Sate Ampera' itself.

I ordered the "Sate Padang" with 2 mutton, 2 beef and 1 chicken. One portion consist of 5 sticks of Satay and a small bundle of rice cake.
As I ordered the Padang one, means the spicy one, and they also served the peanuts sauce with soysauce.
Per portion cost us Idr 17k. Quite cheap because they served good quality of meats and the cut-sized meat also balance.

(Satay Padang)

So guys, still pretend the diet schedule? #lols Just feel happy to eat as many as you can and as how you can control too.
Not all food was good to our body and for our health. So we must keep on doing more exercises, consume more fruits and drink more water.

Yes, I know it rite? we can't stand on delicious food, me myself too. XD
As long as we can take care of ourselves, no matter what food it was, I will let myself to control consuming unhealthy foods.
Good luck and have a good food everyone #culinarypassiongirl

Au revoir.....

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